jueves, 24 de febrero de 2011


...is something i don't have. Don't you hate it when you desperately need to finish something quickly and stuff starts happening delaying it? and keeps happening to the point you want to punch right through your computer monitor. Well that happens to me a lot, but to be fair is not precisely because i have too many deadlines, its just i was born without any kind or form of patience. Or maybe i lost it along the way...
I hate the process of doing stuff for which i'm only interested in the results. What do i mean by that? i mean i don't enjoy the process of doing said thing, i just need the result, and thus, when i can't get it right away, i start to feel frustration. This doesn't happen if i enjoy the process, but that's rarely the case. At this point one has to ask himself, is it really worth it? isn't the "journey" supposed to be what matters instead of the destination? Well, sure i agree with this, yet sometimes there's stuff you can't just say no. Or maybe i'm just stubborn and can't deal with quitting something halfway through...

PS: Making this blog was one of those things... but i settled with this generic template because i'm just not in the mood. I might update it... someday...

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