jueves, 3 de marzo de 2011

Natural Talent... "Gifted" People...

What do you think of that? You know when someone says "you have a gift", or "he's talented". My opinion is such thing doesn't exist. There's people who work hard for what they like, and people who don't. That's basically it. Those talented people outthere had to work their asses off to be there, i think its even unfair to say they were born with the talent, its like saying they didn't work for it, they just got it from mother nature. Its true there's some people who find certain aspects in life easier than others, but still, you won't get anywhere with just that. You have to work on it as much as everyone else.

I'm not really good at particularly anything, specially at guitar. Its something i had to work on for a long time, and you can find people who played for 5 years who are a thousand times better players than me. But its something that doesn't really bother me. I play guitar because that's the instrument i chose to play music. My real passion is music itself, i don't plan to become a successful or famous guitar player, i'd like to be a good musician someday.

What do you like? are you working on it? If not, then you should reconsider it. There's nothing stopping you, you just gotta go for it. Put a lot of work on it and it will eventually pay off. Trust me, if you work hard on something, you can be as good as anybody. We're all human beings. I can asure you that you can be as good guitar player as a pro, like Steve Vai, if you work on it hard enough.
You can be as good as you want.You just gotta find what do you want to be good at, what is your passion, and work on it no matter what. That is the key to success.

Hope you find your path, and if you already did, keep going forward!


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