sábado, 9 de abril de 2011

April's first blog

What the F--- i didn't post anything since like mid-march or something, silly me. Well I haven't been doing much lately aside a few videogame composition demos which you can check here:


and besides that I've been working today on a new video (finally!) which is from a NES game I loved so much when I was a kid! the songs are really awesome and I'm doing a medley of the first portion of the game, a few tunes of that section.

I'm still thinking what to do next but we'll see.

Short blog that is... not inspired -.-

miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2011

My YouTube Channel's story

I created my YouTube account on 08/08/2007, which is a loong  time ago, but I created it just to comment on videos I liked. I think I uploaded my first vid on 2008, it was a really lame Pegasus Fantasy cover (Saint Seiya anime opening), the quality was terrible, the sound was from the camera, no mixing/mastering or anything, just the computer cheap speakers and my guitar clashing on top of it, and all that captured by a shitty camera mic.
I did a few more videos on the same format, shitty quality, no editing, etc. Some of them were covers from anime and some from this finnish metal band Nightwish. All of that got deleted from my account. Why, you ask? because those videos suck and I was an idiot to upload them in the first place =)
Then I started my Anime covers, the first one was Scramble!, the opening for School Rumble season 1. I was very proud of that one. This time I recorded line-in the computer so it wasn't as bad quality, although it was still bad.
From there I started making more and more Anime covers, doing my own backing tracks, one of my most popular arrangements was Lilium, the opening for Elfen Lied, and I personally love that one because is so different from the original, but I think I managed to retain the feeling of the piece to some extent. I redid it later on, when I got my Toneport GX and PODFarm. Better quality and did some more Anime covers, finishing the "season" with Death Note's opening The WORLD, by band Nightmare, from Japan. That one is my most viewed video with 33k+ views or something.
But I wasn't satisfied with the sound so I quit doing videos again.
By the end of last year I managed to reach an acceptable level of quality, to my standards. So I recorded Final Fantasy X's Battle Theme, and i'm proud of that one =) later i paid back to my loyal subscribers with another Anime cover, from DBZ, We Gotta Power, and then i ventured in this project called VGR.

VGR stands for Video Games Rock!, as you can see in the intro. This is basically my own versions of videogame songs, which I upload once a week (usually on wednesday). My plan with this was to give it a name, just for reminding me I have this kind of "responsability" to continue the series. Obviously i can't keep up with uploading a vid per week forever, so I planned to make these VGR in seasons. I haven't decided when to call it a full Season, but it will be somewhere 10-15 videos.
VGR was, i think, what i tried to do from the beginning but never really realized how. I found these cool YouTubers called FamilyJules7X and CSGuitar89, and they do videogame covers like I do now. So I decided I should try to do the same, with the games I like. Turns out I'm more motivated to do videos than ever, and that shows by having uploaded 8 consecutive 1-per-week videos, which is a personal record, and there's more to come.
It all boils down to combining my passion for music, with my passion for videogames. I don't want to get tired of this, so when I end the VGR Season 1, I'm gonna upload some other kind of videos a bit less frequently, while planning ahead VGR Season 2. I don't really know where's this going but, in all honesty, I don't really care, i'm really enjoying it so I'll go as far as I can =)

Join us in this adventure!


Nightly update 10

D'aaawwwww today I released VGR#8 which is Pain The Universe, one of the boss battle themes from the game Legend of Mana, I friggin love that game!!!! I hope my take on the theme was good enough for all the fans, so far people are receiving it pretty well and even recommending more songs from the game ^^
Unfortunately if I get stuck covering just one game's OST there's no point of "VideoGames Rock" so I won't really repeat the same game in consecutive videos, but I might cover some other songs from the game in the future =)
VGR#9 is going so fluently it scares me, it almost covered itself, maybe because the song is so damn kickass i've got inspired by it ^^

I think i'm going to play FF7 a bit more since i haven't played in a few days, i'm about to go to the Temple of the Ancients =)

Also planning cool things for the future, hope you like all the stuff that's coming our way =D

Oh btw my channel is raising quite fast on the Argentinian YouTube ranks for the Musicians category, currently on #77, i entered the top 100 about 2 weeks ago and its going amazingly fast!! That is thanks to all of you for supporting me and subscribing!! Let's keep on doing this and I promise I'll try to pay you back doing better videos everytime =)

I'll make a post about how i started doing YouTube vids and how it progressed so, this is it for our nightly report =)

martes, 15 de marzo de 2011

Nightly update 9

Yay today i worked on VGR#9!! And i'm so excited about it!! its looking pretty good so far, just started with some of the arrangements and a few minor test recordings to see how it sounds with everything in place. VGR#8 is finished and it'll be uploaed tomorrow =) I'm really excited about it too because that game is one of my favorite games and it isn't as popular as, for example, Final Fantasy games. Its from the same developers though, Legend of Mana for the PS1 by Squaresoft.
I'm planning on making a special release when i finish VGR Season 1, probably will plan a special cover for the Season Finale, and release the full album with old tracks remastered on bandcamp, plus some bonus tracks =)

Oh before i forgot, about the 1000 subs special video, i'm sorry to say but i cancelled it =P I couldn't find the time to do it and couldn't really work on what i had planned, so until i can get what's necessary to do a  special video (read = live in a place with less noise so my voice is heard when talking to a camera) you'll have to wait. I'll sync it with a good subs number. Maybe for 2000 subs, or 5000 =P

Going to bed right now, I'll try to make a special post tomorrow on this blog. Will think about the subject while sleeping ;)

lunes, 14 de marzo de 2011

Nightly update 8

Wow its been a long time since one of these (or since a new post at all). I finished the VGR#8 song, and almost got the video done, it will be up on wednesday as i've been doing lately, exciting news are on the way so i gotta give my best for some new projects =) I'm also a bit impatient of some side projects i have that I couldn't release yet, but i guess it will be when it has to be, no need to rush it.

I'm trying to get the suggestions list working, so I'm probably tackling one of those for the next video, its a bit hard to pick and time flies, if i want to keep up with a schedule i'd better decide quickly. I have one in mind but i'll probably look into it tomorrow, i'm tired since i couldn't sleep at all last night due to some weird pain in my arm. I'm ok now so time to get some sleep =)

See ya!

domingo, 6 de marzo de 2011

Nightly update 7

Nighttime again. So i've been mixing the VGR#7 cover, you know the longest video i ever made? and anticipated? well now i hate it. I'm hating the sound, the mix, the master, etc. I'm working around it but didn't get any good results yet.

The video is done, with all the intro and outro stuff its 10:00 exactly. I'm cool with the arrangement, somewhat cool with the playing (could've been better) but the mix is killing me. I was fine 'til today, and now relistening to it makes me wanna puke. I hate when this happens, specially when it happens close to the day i'm planning on releasing it (wednesday). Tomorrow my vacations are officially over so that's a turn off as well.
Overall a pretty crappy day but nothing really that bad aside realizing how much this mix sucks. Boring day, yesterday i saw Inception which was pretty awesome movie, with a killer soundtrack. Zimmer never ceases to amaze me.
So that's about it, short update this time. See ya around!


jueves, 3 de marzo de 2011

Natural Talent... "Gifted" People...

What do you think of that? You know when someone says "you have a gift", or "he's talented". My opinion is such thing doesn't exist. There's people who work hard for what they like, and people who don't. That's basically it. Those talented people outthere had to work their asses off to be there, i think its even unfair to say they were born with the talent, its like saying they didn't work for it, they just got it from mother nature. Its true there's some people who find certain aspects in life easier than others, but still, you won't get anywhere with just that. You have to work on it as much as everyone else.

I'm not really good at particularly anything, specially at guitar. Its something i had to work on for a long time, and you can find people who played for 5 years who are a thousand times better players than me. But its something that doesn't really bother me. I play guitar because that's the instrument i chose to play music. My real passion is music itself, i don't plan to become a successful or famous guitar player, i'd like to be a good musician someday.

What do you like? are you working on it? If not, then you should reconsider it. There's nothing stopping you, you just gotta go for it. Put a lot of work on it and it will eventually pay off. Trust me, if you work hard on something, you can be as good as anybody. We're all human beings. I can asure you that you can be as good guitar player as a pro, like Steve Vai, if you work on it hard enough.
You can be as good as you want.You just gotta find what do you want to be good at, what is your passion, and work on it no matter what. That is the key to success.

Hope you find your path, and if you already did, keep going forward!


martes, 1 de marzo de 2011

Nightly update 6

So, what did I do today? about music, plain VGR#7. I spent practically the whole day in it, and it was worth it. Its my favorite project so far, but i don't want to over hype it and then let you down, hopefully that won't happen =)
VGR#6 is 100% finished, and tomorrow, as soon as i wake up, it will be up. Hope there's some Hedgehog fans outthere ;D I dig the ending skit for this one, i laughed my ass off while editing ^^ (the skits I do to point out my previous videos)
I'm not sure if i'll be able to come up with one for VGR#7, because its so huge by itself that i don't wanna waste time in anything else. I will do the Title Card though, but that doesn't take more than 2 hours, tops.
I'm getting cool ideas for these VGR things i'm doing, don't know if anyone checked out the bandcamp site, but you can see the cover says "Season 1". That's right, i'm probably going to make "seasons" of videogame covers, with some other stuff in between seasons, plus a release of an album when the season's over, with all the tracks i did for it, plus some bonus tracks ;D

Oh, and tomorrow i'm probably getting a new monitor (about time!), LED 23" =D its about time i kick this 17" SD CRT piece of... plastic and electronics ;D

Okay time to go to bed, see ya!


lunes, 28 de febrero de 2011

Nightly update 5

Well about to going to bed so time to recap the day.
I've got to finish a demo for a side project i'm making, and i totally exceeded my expectations, i'm really really happy with how it turned out. Hopefully the final release will be even better, but that won't happen for a while, its just a demo, an earlier stage. When things get settled down i might give a bit more insight in that side project.
Regarding another side project, i'm currently waiting because i did the first step of what i'm supposed to do, so once the rest do their part, we can start polishing out the final product. That one will take a while as well. But i think i've recorded the final product as far as my part goes, so i'm happy with that.

Back to VGR, number 6 is almost finished, and without a doubt it will be up this wednesday, which is awesome because at first i thought i didn't gonna make it in time, but turns out i did.
Yesterday i said i was officially working on VGR#7, and today i finished the structure, the basic arrangement, plus recorded some rhythm tracks. I've gotta record some more rhythm tracks, all the leads, and put a thing here and there to polish it a bit. Its gonna be HUGE. It will be my longest video so far, well over 5 minutes the cover alone (my vids normally take a bit more because of the intros and outros).
I'm really excited about this one, hope i can make it as good as it sounds in my mind. Will work the rest of the week to make it the best i can. I seriously, seriously need to get the thing going by Friday, so i can edit the video on the weekend, just before getting back to work, if not i'm in serious trouble to release it next week. But since its a greater project than previous ones, i might take a bit more time to release it. After all, i do wanna keep up the pacing but not sacrificing the songs/videos quality, i'll do my best to release it on time but will do so only if its finished. If its not, well, i'm not gonna release a half-assed attempt.

Good night!


New Versailles Single - Philia

Wow new single from these guys yay!!! Its called Philia. Its the main theme for an upcoming short TV series (4 minutes episodes or something) starring the guys from the band.
I'll give ya a video about the series

From video description:

Teaser video for the new TV program "Make my dreams come true ! Versailles"

A beautiful girl with honest poverty meets visual-kei (Japanese rock indies style) Prince!
A new 4 minutes short TV comedy series which Versailles, one of the TOP Japanese visual-kei band, makes every efforts to make Rina Koike's innocent dreams.
Dressed in gothic fashion, the way they find solutions to the very difficult problems brings us tears and laughter.

Staring/ Versailles(KAMIJO、HIZAKI、TERU、MASASH­I 、YUKI) and Rina Koike Main theme for this TV program "Philia" to be available 16th March 2010 in Japan.

The song is amazing!!! Okay now i gotta go to eat, hope you enjoy the good music!

domingo, 27 de febrero de 2011

Nightly update 4

Yay! so today was an awesome day for me, i've got to record for yet another project, did some editing for VGR#6 which is on the way, and finally started the VGR#7 concept, this week is gonna be tough, just because of VGR#7, if everything goes as planned its gonna be really cool.
This is my last vacation week so i'm planning on going out for once (lol) before getting back to work. I'm also a bit concerned in whether i'll be able to keep the pace of these videos once i get to work again, probably not but I'll give my best. Luckily i've never officially stated i was gonna release a video per week, even though that's what i've been doing with these VGR videos.
I discovered doing these blogs makes me want to do stuff just for the sake of writing about it here and not having to put "i did nothing today" or skipping the blog altogether. Yeah, it was definitely a great idea to create this blog, makes me aware of what to do and stuff. Its also a good place to talk about random stuff, which is something i'm gonna do every now and then.
We tried to watch a movie last night but we quit the idea 30 minutes in. It was a drag. Can't remember the title but it was a man lying for the first time in the movie's universe. He created the "lie", or something. Just for starters it takes a lot of time until he eventually discovers he can lie, which is the point of the movie and shouldn't be such a drag. Furthermore, the thing he lies about is uninteresting at best, and the whole concept is handled poorly. Don't know who recommended that movie to my mother but definitely it was horrible.
I'm wanting to watch Inception lately, i remember when i saw the trailer it was pretty interesting, but couldn't get around watching it just yet.
Okay enough rambling, i'm gonna sleep now, i'll try to write something more interesting next time. Until then, take care!


sábado, 26 de febrero de 2011

Nightly update 3

Today i woke up, and recorded that one solo i needed last night, plus the bass lines i also needed last night. It was great to get that out of the way early... but i slacked off the rest of the day... go figure.
To be fair with me i felt kinda sick and my hands hurt from playing, it even hurts to type a bit, so a good rest was probably needed. We'll see tomorrow if i can start polishing VGR#6 to have it ready to go, while seriously starting the VGR#7 arrangement. I don't want to say too much because i want to do something special and i'm not sure if i'll be able to... so i'll keep my mouth shut about that.
I'm noticing most of these updates tend to be "i'm doing this  but i can't talk about it", which is extremely rude of me, i guess. So i'll try to give some insights in the upcoming video for anyone outthere reading this.
VGR#6 will probably be released by wednesday (if everything goes as planned), as i said previously, its a game from the old Sega Genesis console, its the third entry in its own series, and the song is the theme for an icy stage. If you are reading this, deducted the game, and deducted the song title (which is the same as the stage) then good for you!! okay okay if anyone figured it out just post here and i'll send you the mp3 before the video release, how cool is that? you'll have the song before anybody else!!

But chances are few people are reading this at the moment, and even less people know what the hell i'm  talking about. Nevertheless, the video will hopefully be up by wednesday, along with the mp3, and i'll update my bandcamp site to include the song.
If you haven't checked that out yet, please do. Its a pretty convenient site were you have my covers listed and can listen to them right away by clicking the "play" button, no need to navigate through additional pages or stuff like that. Straight forward and simple. You can also download any track for free:


Good night to all of you my readers, take care!



Imaginarium is the new project by the finnish metal band Nightwish. Which happens to be my favorite band of all time. This project is not only a 13-song album but also a Movie. Yeah a freaking movie which is gonna blow our heads off.
When i heard about it i just couldn't understand how amazing this is. I always thought Tuomas Holopainen (the band's main composer, creator of the band and keyboard player) is one of the best composers of our time, his works never cease to amaze me. Their last album Dark Passion Play was the ultimate music album i've ever heard, and its been my favorite since it was released. I didn't know how he could even think about topping that one album. But he went even further and now he will not only blow our ears but our eyes too.
I'm really excited for this, i hope they get to make a theatrical release and that i can get to see it around here. If not then i'll just get the DVD and die happy.

Sorry for the unrelated post but i wanted to share to anyone reading this about this awesome project. If you want to read more about it go to the official site:


viernes, 25 de febrero de 2011

Nightly update 2

So its that time again. Time to recap what i did today, and boy i slacked off badly.
Needed to record a solo part for one project, and i didn't. I just got distracted by other stuff, like editing the video for VGR#6 or redesigning my YouTube channel's background image (which looks rad mind you, go check it out)
I also discovered this site to share my music, so i'm adding  that to the "Find Me Online" thingy at the right.

Tomorrow i'll need to record that one solo, plus some bass lines. I suck at bass i gotta admit. I noticed that i never capitalize "i" if not at the beginning of a sentence, hope you don't mind that, its just i think of grammar in spanish most of the time (my native language) and it doesn't make sense to capitalize such word in our language. English is weird.

So i need  to do a 1k subs special video and don't have a clue what to do. I tried talking to the camera and it just doesn't work, i don't work. Maybe i'll think of something else or i'll practice the vloggy thing until i can come up with a half-decent attempt at this.

Sorry for the random update which has absolutely nothing interesting at all but since its a recap of my day, it fits.

jueves, 24 de febrero de 2011

Nightly update

So i'm probably be posting these nightly updates just  before going to bed, but i'm not sure it'll be everyday, maybe, maybe not... we'll see.
Finally i got to play guitar this afternoon/night and i'm proud to say i did all the tracking for the next cover, which also nets all the raw video footage needed. So all in all i've got all the raw video and audio i need, these days i'll focus on the editing, mixing/mastering the audio and editing the video. Of course i won't just do that, i'll practice some guitar, maybe some more tracking for one of the secret projects and eventually start arranging VGR#7, since i start working next month again (currently on vacations) and i'm planing something special, i've got to make most of the project, if not all, before getting back to work, or else i'll be in a terrible situation...

I guess i've got inspired at night as I predicted, and watching FamilyJules7X 3k subs special video (congrats man) put me in the right mood for it. So i'm going to bed to catch some sleep with yet another productive day in my pocket. Hope this continues for a while, maybe this will be the year i'll pass the winter test (more on that later)

About VGR and other music projects...

So I've been planning on doing something on YouTube for a while and a few weeks ago started making these "VideoGames Rock!" videos.
What the hell is that?
Well its just rock/metal (and maybe other stuff) covers of videogame songs, so its nothing you've never seen before, yet I wanted to give it a name, just to remind myself i'm in this project. Yesterday I began the process of arranging the next song for VGR#6, which isn't gonna be Final Fantasy. Don't wanna spoil it but its gonna be from the old Sega Genesis console =)
I have some other projects music related, but I cannot talk too much about them right now since they're at a pretty early stage and who knows if they ever become "something". Just to be safe I'll save the details for when the time comes...
So as I was saying, I started arranging the next VGR song, and started tracking from some other project, a pretty productive day I must say, considering I also uploaded the VGR#5 Chocobo Medley by noon of the same day.
As for today I haven't really got into anything as of yet... had to deal with some familiar stuff and started creating this blog, but my inspiration always comes by afternoon/night so its not a lost day... yet.

I want to thank to all of the people supporting me, i've 900+ subscribers as of now and about 94 Facebook fans, so thank you all! I wanted to make a special video for when i hit 1000 subs, but the time is getting close and I'm out of ideas, if you want to give me a special video suggestion, I'll appreciate it =)


...is something i don't have. Don't you hate it when you desperately need to finish something quickly and stuff starts happening delaying it? and keeps happening to the point you want to punch right through your computer monitor. Well that happens to me a lot, but to be fair is not precisely because i have too many deadlines, its just i was born without any kind or form of patience. Or maybe i lost it along the way...
I hate the process of doing stuff for which i'm only interested in the results. What do i mean by that? i mean i don't enjoy the process of doing said thing, i just need the result, and thus, when i can't get it right away, i start to feel frustration. This doesn't happen if i enjoy the process, but that's rarely the case. At this point one has to ask himself, is it really worth it? isn't the "journey" supposed to be what matters instead of the destination? Well, sure i agree with this, yet sometimes there's stuff you can't just say no. Or maybe i'm just stubborn and can't deal with quitting something halfway through...

PS: Making this blog was one of those things... but i settled with this generic template because i'm just not in the mood. I might update it... someday...